Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Day 6 when we were so close to a cracking pad but then dashed at the last kick!

Its was this morning (Tuesday) that i lost my jet lag sort of thing, I was the only one. Natalie is still getting up rather early, its like hanging about with a Natalie circa 2005 when she wouldn’t sleep on and was really rather irritating in the mornings. So anyway, she got up and went swimming while I had an extra half hour sleep. When she came back we went over and used the communal room for their wifi in order to look up prospective living quarters, and we hit pay dirt it seemed with a shared luxury condo showing on the horizon which, while it was right at the top end of our budget scale, was completely doable. The necessary phone call was made but the chap, John, never answered, we searched some more and then John called back. So we wandered along to see this place which it turns out was only a short walk up the lakeside.

It was beautiful and the situ was that his sister owned it but she was a flight attendant and only stayed in it occasionally, her brother was a yoga teacher and was over simply to allow viewing for his sister, we were instantly taken by the lovely place and arranged to come back later in the day to sort everything out. We spoke it over and text and emailed the chap back saying we were very keen and would see him later. He never replied but this never deterred us, no news was good news or so we thought, if he was against our idea of meeting later he would simply say. The upshot of this whole situation is that we called back later and he eventually answered (in moments of terror during the day we called, only to have John not answer) and said that his sister had sorted out a tenant herself and he was sorry, he couldn’t answer his phone as he had forgot it in the condo while he went out and taught a class.

Let me just put it to you that were not stupid and see all this as total bullshit. The phone thing isn’t believable as his phone was in his hand the whole time we were shown around the condo and the building, not in his pocket, in his hand. Also, he was keen to get back to Vancouver where he lives so why would he take a class? Also, his sister sorted out something herself just as we were looking at it, it all seems to much, the fact she had her brother dealing with it and taking him away from home to let people view and she goes and ties it up without the party looking at it all seems a bit too much to be truly believeable. Having said all that, I actually found the guy john to be a right nice guy and my only regret is that he wasn’t forthright in the real reasons. Those being a viewer after us took it straight away for example instead of fudging a really crap excuse.

Anyway, while all this was no doubt going on Natalie and I had a rather hilarious online chat with her dad using the skype thing, the halfwit didn’t set his earphones right or something so he couldn’t hear us but we could hear him, we could both see each other though. He asked questions and we wrote back, watching him read our messages was priceless plus he felt the need to have the cat say hello, also priceless. The evening saw us mosey on up to the Blue Goose Tavern we were at on Friday so I could watch the baseball (it was Halliday v AJ Burnett which no doubt means nothing to you but was a big deal for me), we followed Natalie’s keen nose for direction an ended up going the wrong direction, we were redirected though before we went too far though and didn’t get there too late into the game. Afterwards we walked back home, it was dark however and the streets don’t look the same in the dark, also its worth noting that Natalie’s directions not only took us the wrong way but also the long way and from where the pub is situated it became clear that another direction would get us home far quicker than the route we took to get there, but as I say, it was dark and unravelled terrain for us at that point so suffice to say Natalie was bricking it. Me? I was big and brave and we got home quickly and easily.

Ok I was kinda bricking it too.

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