Yesterday we woke up pretty late and tried to pull ourselves together, it is game one of the Ice Hockey conference final and we were going to watch our new sporting idol in his families home of all places! So we moseyed up and arrived, rather unusually for us, before it started! They got beat but took an early lead, its strange being in such close proximity to the Bollands when there son is playing on the tv on a major stage. For us, were kind of getting into it, I can follow the game pretty well but frankly I need to concentrate when watching it, the puck flies around really quickly and the rules sometimes evade me, I like to hear the commentary as I can pick things out of what they say too, however today it really wasn’t possible, it was basically pandemonium. I don’t know if this is the biggest game that David has ever played but it may be the biggest one his family have only watched on tv rather than in the flesh. His team took an early lead and when the goal went in all their phones went wild, Drew and Seans received text after text, the house phone too started ringing all the while the game raged on on the tv. I assume it was family and friends texting and phoning to say something about what had just happened, all in all I kind of felt for them a little because they couldn’t really concentrate on the game, also I have been guilty of sending the odd wee text when I saw something so if I hadn’t been there with them I may have added to the telecom traffic! All in all it was actually quite an honour watching the game in that company pity the team went down in the end and was ultimately quite deflating after the excitement early on but alas, it was only game one, only two days to go to they could try and pull it back.

Sean's kid Liam being more of a door than a window while me and him watched his uncle dave on the telly!
After this odd, British like afternoon sport extravaganza we headed back home for tea. Natalie cooked up some spaghetti bolognaise which was cracking, so we ate that and collapsed on the settee and fell asleep, we awoke groggy when the mobile went off with a invite to go a walk and watch the Victoria Day weekend fireworks go off. The squibs were being set off on the lake up toward the tower but we could see them pretty well form our place further down the lakeshore not far from the condo. In all truth the fireworks sucked and hardly lasted any time at all, and it was baltic. However, the four of us, Natalie, Minotah, Sean and myself had a laugh and their dog had a wrestle with a rottweiler, oh and Sean brought a couple of cans of lager so it was ok.
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