Entry #33: Sunday 21st December 2008
I work Saturdays but i have an arrangement with my gaffer that i work around the Killie home games and also that any away games i would like to go to he tries to work something out for me, its a really fortunate situation i find myself in. So a Saturday when Killie are at home my usual 12-6 shift alters and is generally 12 till 5 to 3 then run round to Rugby Park, then straight back to work til 6 or 7, as i say, a fortunate situation. Looking at it that way my boss is doing me a good turn by letting me go, look at it another i am doing my utmost to make all home matches even if it means i miss out on wages. Pity my team doesnt take these sort of stories of what people do to come and see them into account as yesterday was a completely gutless performance. See i have highlighted my situation, my deal, footballers are supposed to train then turn up and play a match with the intention of winning three points, thats their deal, today from what i saw from my seat they reneged on their deal, gutless. In fact it is was so gutless i am not even going to waste my time filling you in on it any, except to say we got beat one nil, a goal lost in the first half after half an hour or so, we had plenty of time to get level but offered little in way of any attacking prowess and the game finished with me walking down the stairs from my lofty seat in the Moffat with a fellow in the front row of the upper tier shouting “gutless Killie, absolutely gutless” and that was exactly what was going through my mind and why i have overused it in the lines above this one. I went back to work afterwards because thats the deal, i get time off to watch pish like that and then i go and complete my shift.
Actually, i have got a bit more to say about yesterday, i have been going to Killie games for many a long year and always with the same core of people; my dad, my uncle Jim, CharlieHill and Stew when he came back from America till he went back plus the weans; me, my brother, charlies boy David, and Stew’s boys Jon and his young brother Gordon, always. Now were all a bit older we sit in different places at times and there is a bigger group of friends but still that core are still going, still faithful. Let me tell you where one of them was today, David Hill had to go on his works night out so missed the football, where he was was the matinee performance of the Pantomime at some theatre in Glasgow where he works. Surely he could have said he would meet them after or something but no he was sitting enjoying the show while we froze our arses off watching the football (term used as loosely as possible) I was told where he was so i text him and asked him where he was, he replied minutes later, Pantomime he said. I decided to give him a chance to crack an obvious joke, i replied, oh no your not! and waited for the reply saying “oh yes i am!” it never materialised, i hope i never pissed him off.
Another Day
1 hour ago
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