Entry #24: Sunday 30th November 2008
Yesterday i braved the freezing cold and made my way to hamilton for the football. I shouldnt have bothered. As i wrote yesterday, my plan was to get the travel club bus up, and we did. I picked up Blackie on my way to Gareths and his mrs ran us down to the snooker club with just enough time for a quick beer before the bus. On top of us three, Fauldsy turned up for the bus and the reformed Sellic supporter Chambers arrived with seconds to spare.
The bus journey was largely uneventful, a bus to Hamilton takes roughyl an hour so we were in Lanarkshire for jsut after one. We were dropped outside the Railway Club where someone had phoned ahead to make sure we would get in alright. Personally i thought we had hit the jackpot, cheap booze in these places for definite. Well not this one, regularly priced pints of lager was what it sold, the cynic in me says that if we went upstairs to the bar area instead of the hall for events we were in (someones 21st was the night previous as ballons were still up) prices would be a little kinder but i never got to follow up on that theory. At the same time, i wasnt going to heavy on the booze because had a night out in Glasgow planned and didnt want to give the doormen a skoosh reason to turn me away. Anyway, we sat spread out, our bus of less than fifty, in a room that could have held about 250 and dranka dn talked and watched Hearts beat Rangers throught he medium of Sky Sports News, cos thats another thing about this place, they olny had Setanta upstairs where the cheap ale flowed like water (in my mind anyway). I picked out my super single for the day, Burnley (thank you Owen Coyle, the man who Killie tried to sign a hundred times in my youth but he always went elsewhere (he probably only turned us down the once but like Tommy Coyne, Willie Falconer etc, it was always to Motherwell, a real bone of contention for me when i was young)) who duly won and proved a highlight of the football day.
Thats because the Killie game was absolutly rotten! After having walked round to the game
down a side alley way along the railway line (felt as if we were being set up for a doing or something) we got to the away stand, called the Spice of Life Stand as its named after a local Indian restuarant. I have often wondered why Killie dont get our stands sponsored, the East especially, i suppose this is the fear, it might be Poundland that came in with the best deal (the Poundland Stand does have a ring to it i must admit) Also to get to the Spice for Life Stand we had to pass the other stand at this ground; The Ried furniture Stand, commercialism is alive and well in this neck of the woods it would seem. As we approached the turnstile, of which there were only two open (only two actually there) it was pretty busy. £22 for adults, £11 for concessions. I radied my pockets for a ten spot. Nothing in the front pockets, nothing in the back, i even keeked in the wee johnny pocket in the hope of a late November miracle, it wasnt to be, i had to stump up the 22quid because all i had were purple notes, cant believe i am complaining about only having £20s but turns out i am.
So with the waiting about outside to get in we missed the kick off, this wasnt a problem for me as when we debated going at all (staying for drink in the Railway Club being the other option, not Xmas shopping in downtown Hamilton) i declared my long standing belief that i am not too bothered about missing kick offs as they are generally all the same, never any varaiation. Which is true as well. I also maintained that i am not too bothered missing an early goal, especially if its for Killie, takes the nervous edge off, were one nil up, i am not quite there yet but i can go in smiling instead of worrying about when we will get one.
What i would have given for an early goal, because this way dreadful. Really we are the most toothless team in the league, we just cant make any chances. We lined up without a recognised striker in the team and played Wullie G in the wing to swing some crosses in, to who exactly? Och, the less said about the game the better, we got beat one nil after Offiong scored Hamiltons solitary chance in the match plus it was absolutely freezing. Not a good combo.
Plus side is that this was my first visit to Hamiltons ground and i thought it was ok, fair enough they only have two stands (plus one that holds about 50 fans with a wee patio outside) but the first rows are about 7 feet off the ground meaning every seat is a good one, pity the views were only pishy Killie displays on the park or supermarkets.
It was frozen at the game and the mist was beginning to settle as the game ended, that i suppose was ok as we would be ona bus soon but i had a night out in glasgow to go on and the thought of walking about in the frozen fog wasnt too appealling. Didint stop me though and i am glad i went.
It was a couple of mates birthday night out so we went to ashton lane then a place called Boho, my recollection of getting to this boho place was basically walking into the fog and not being able to see five yards in front of you, we walked and walked not being able to see buildings at our sides until someone shouted stop, we stopped an turned and there was Boho. However the highlight of the night for me and Fest and Gareth was when we met John Henry in The Loft in Ashton Lane, Fest spotted him when he was standing having a pee (Fest was peeing, not watching JH peeing) and asked him to come over and see us which he duly did. Top bloke is John Henry. the picture is Fest, John henry and myself and taken by Gareth, the beauty of cameras on phones is taking photos of sleeping drunk friends with toothpaste on their faces and moments like last night.

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