Entry # : Monday 2nd March 2009
Big Pasca has added me as a friend! Result! I am know linked through the power of social networking to Killie’s captain. I was slightly concerned that it was some young Killie fan with more time on his hands than me who created a profile for a player so idiots like me would be so intrigued as to try add them but as Pasca has accepted my hand of friendship I can now look at his page and the abundance of messages written in Italian plus the candid photos in the albums means I have hit paydirt! If i am honest i frankly have absolutely no idea what i could possibly speak to him about mind you but even still, kind of chuffed. What next, Michael Johnston on Twitter? I can just see our chairman giving blow by blow accounts of the life of a SPL chairman for his clubs fans to read and keep up with, much like celebrity Twitter fans Jonathan Ross, Phillip Schofield or Stephen Fry. Or maybe I can’t, Pasca as my facebook pal will have to do me for now.
Priscilla Pointon
13 hours ago
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