Entry #37: Monday 5th January 2009
Right, I am just in from playing five a side football out at the all weather pitches at Whitletts and it was absolutely baltic, freezing freezing cold. You would expect all weather pitches to be a bit Ronseal (I have been assured that this is now an official word in the dictionary and means “does exactly what it says on the tin” using it as an adjective however seems rather strange I have to say) but they weren't really, it was like a ice rink and the quicker the game was over the better.
It was so cold that the air felt thin and breathing was a real hassle. It was also my first outing in my new Wullie G style boots and I played like a donkey in them, you really do feel like so much more of a prize fanny when playing poorly in a pair of orange trainers than you do in traditional black, alas. Other new kit I had on was my Gigi Buffonalike neck scarf type thing. it went down a treat I must say and recommend it to anyone. Basically its the neck off a roll neck jumper with a extra bit down the front to keep your chest warm, its made from fleecy material, marvellous I must say. Was at the indoor skiing thing at Braehead on Friday there and say a snazzy cloth type neckerchief in camouflage and after tonight's outing in my own black one I may be interested in purchasing the camo type cloth one for when the temperatures pick up a little, they Italians have got it right, stylish but also with a point.
Whitletts to the uninitiated is a kick in the nuts away from Somerset so with me being there tonight I am think about whether or not the game will be on this coming Saturday, I know its only Monday but still. It is actually the first the thought of postponement has entered my mind, oh god I hope not.
Then again, if it is on and tonight's weather is the order of the day I worry about my extremities when they are standing for nearly two hours in the piggery, is there gloves warm enough to take it, and what about my feet, how many pairs of sock can I possibly get under my trainers. Actually if its this cold I can get my trainers on, if it thaws there is no chance I am risking ruining my good trainers standing in muck and pish in the railway end in deepest darkest Ayr.
I also worry, as I head for a shower, about the wee fella in that kind of cold.
Shrivelled walnut springs to mind.
Another Day
14 hours ago
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