Entry #10: 17th October 2008
Things that have happened since i last posted, Killie won in Edinburgh. 2-1, but i wasnt there. wish i was as i wanted to see captain for the day (maybe longer) Pasca took Frazer Wright and Jamie Hamill by the hand i have heard after the final whistle and all three did a Klinsmann dive to the Killie fans. sounds good to me.
The Germans went home. (i will explain the significance of the Germans in the near future i think, in a slow week)
I went to Blackpool for an afternoon on my way to Liverpool. Blackpool is a bit of a shithole these days but it made me think that a seaside tour preseason type thing would be great. Play three or four teams all form the coast, they can be conference teams or league teams, whatever, but it would let the fans follow us in numbers, and i think it'd be great. While in Blackpool i had a shot of those camel races where you throw balls up a lane for points, i got beat, i had a mr whippy ice cream and had a pint down central pier. Really though give Blackpool the casinos, it needs some serious cash thrown at it.
Scotland played and drew nil nil. i was there, it was dire. type in greatest ever misses into youtube if you want to see the highlights of the match. Its the first time i have ever heard two groans of dissapointment for the same chance. once when it happened and again when they showed the replay on the big screens that replaced the old scoreboards. Kilmaurs collectively disowned their favourite son, statin that he was form Coatbridge or something anyway. Just kidding, heid up big Chris!
The next day Killie u19's went to Scumerset to play the enemy in the Youth Cup, we won on penalties. wonders will never cease. It may be the last ever derby at Somerset doue to it being a piggery and getting sold so its nice to leave on a win. though a cup game in January is on my lsit for Santa.
The other big Kris packed in international football the next day, Boydie! what a dick, grow up mate. His time at Killie was mentioned in press at time during the week, his aptitute during training, doesnt do enough work, only scores goals. YAWN! Thing is big Boydie is still a major topic of conversation in the Killie Nation, for all he left us to for a pittance and its said by some that he hates us and hopes we go down (i have heard from some guy down the pub that these were his words, i dont believe it incidentally) a good lot of Killie fans treat him like our own and dont like to hear bad about him. Lets face it, when playing of Killie we dont exactly play rampaging football and he was always back for corners so this pish about him not doing any work kinda stick in my craw. Anyway, enough about Rangers players, just to add, tell Smith what you told Burley because its him and Mcliesh and le Guen that have fucked up your head big man, they all wont play you either. Or come back to Killie!
The Scottish Cup got a sponsor, or rather it got sponsor cash, the name of the Cup will be "The Homecoming Cup" to publicise the SNP plan to bring expats home for the 250th Aniversary of Burns Day. To begin with i thought it was a bit of a mince name but im coming round to it, still not sure whether its this seasons cup or next though, some research required. Also it must be added that because of the Burns connotations Ayr Utd will not be getting a bye to the final, chances are they will be getting pumped in the early rounds. Oh it would be nice if it was us!
Dundee Utd chairman Eddie Thompson passed away due to his long battle with cancer. There has been links between the two clubs due to different circumstances over the past few years and Eddie helped to create these links. i hope there is at least one Killie top on show at the memorial at Tannadice. RIP Eddie.
And thats about it. Motherwell tomorrow and after Scotland last week, im glad to get back to domestic football (havent said that in years!), a team we havent beat at home in the league for three years or something. A statistic which hides rather a lot actually considering they have only been here one each year. In fact thats another fact i should check. I am going and i hope agaisnt hope for a win. I also have my ticket for the Celtic cup game, half price through my uncle, i have never been this organised!
Another Day
1 hour ago
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